The recent growth in the size of the routing table has led to an
interest in quantitatively understanding both the causes (e.g. multihoming) as
well as the effects (e.g. impact on router lookup implementations) of such
routing table growth. In this paper, we describe a new model called ARAM that
defines the structure of routing tables of any given size. Unlike simpler
empirical models that work backwards from effects (e.g. current prefix length
distributions), ARAM approximately models the causes of table growth
(allocation by registries, assignment by ISPs, multihoming and load balancing).
We show that ARAM models with high fidelity three abstract measures (prefix
distribution, prefix depth, and number of nodes in the tree) of the shape of
the prefix tree --- as validated against 20 snapshots of backbone routing
tables from 1997 to the present. We then use ARAM for evaluating the
scalability of IP lookup schemes, and studying the effects of multihoming and
load balancing on their scaling behavior. Our results indicate that
algorithmic solutions based on multibit tries will provide more prefixes per
chip than TCAMs (as table sizes scale toward a million) unless TCAMs can be
engineered to use 8 transistors per cell. By contrast, many of today's SRAM
based TCAMs use 14-16 transistors per cell.
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS2003-0749