My experience here has led me to amend certain thoughts regarding the theater...
There is an indeterminate quality to sensing value, a fragility that must be recognized in order to sense meaning. This fragility must serve as a signal fire to reflection in those who would allow for reflection. Meaning can be overlooked to the end of expedience and seeming progress, and active rebellion must be waged against that impulse. Theater is a temple for this rebellion.
Beauty is that which wants for nothing, it is that which stands in a field that bows to its presence, it oversees the patrimony it calls its own, forcing the rigid to find themselves in kindness. Beauty is a blessing to be protected as a source of healing and bearing.
Choice is often the bastion of the madman as it causes that which it seeks to avoid, a distancing from that which decision has overruled and a distinction in that which cannot be distanced from. I choose, and in that choice embrace the particular, with open hands to the whole, if only to remember how to build.
It is necessary for an essential simplicity to be expressed in a created work. Striving toward the former furnishes a path capable of creating meaning. The essence of this struggle is to sculpt an expressive form that rests in a space of purposeful intention, an intention that allows this meaning to bind a community together.