Abstract: Effective learning is viewed as an evolutionary process, and as such, it involves an expanded version of the Crenshaw-Collins view of intersectionality. It demands an in-depth view of the complex socio-cultural-ethnic milieu in which students are embedded. Even more, effective learning requires effectance problem-solving, investigation and semiotics, along with effectance motivation, to form a quadripartite framework for effectance holism, which becomes the foundation for equity. Equity in the classroom requires shared human experience, research, process, ideas, as well as product. Effectance motivation associates walking, awareness, attention, perception, thinking and adapting to one’s environmental conditions that encourage effective, competent interactions of students with their surroundings. Arguably, effectance, rather effective, motivation is evidentiary in childhood development, and is responsible for acquisition of increased intellectual awakenings in the home and in the classroom. However, effective motivation alone is self-limiting. I include effective problem-solving, investigation and semiotics into the equation. That students are active, constructive participants in the learning process is also evidentiary. With Susan Harter effectance motivation encompasses the developing intellect of children and evolution of their independence, mastery, competency and success. Against this background of scholarship research, Gardner’s multiple intelligences portray student success and motivation as a pathway only to stereotypical roles, without any educational value. In contrast, egosystem provides a viable framework for understanding students and their complex makeup. In fact, I argue that frames of reference should replace frames of mind. In terms of the value of learning through the arts, early modernism, especially Dada and Surrealism, have inspired students to reimagine their own art as having, not only intrinsic aesthetic value, but also extrinsic narrative value as social-political commentary. Essentially, art and design education must reimagine what students could do, if only they did not have to conform to a set curriculum, and were allowed to research art history on their own, explore their personal passions and experiment with various art forms.