Mercury (Hg) contamination in aquatic soils poses significant environmental and public health risks due to its ability to undergo microbial transformation into methylmercury (MeHg), a neurotoxin that bioaccumulates in food webs. Production of MeHg in soil is largely driven by microbial pathways associated with sulfate reduction or iron-reduction, which are active under anaerobic conditions and low redox potentials. Although MeHg is typically found with trace concentrations in soils, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of MeHg in the food web can lead to high, and often hazardous, concentrations in higher trophic levels. The complexity of the mercury cycle, involving interactions between redox conditions, microbial activity, bioaccumulation, chemical speciation, and many other factors necessitates a variety of treatment approaches to address the dynamic behavior of Hg in sediment-water systems. Among these, in-situ remediation strategies offer an advantage by targeting the source of Hg and Hg-methylation, limiting Hg and MeHg diffusing from soils into overlying waters and entering the food web. This dissertation explores the development and evaluation of manganese oxide-modified activated carbon (MOMAC) as an in-situ remediation strategy for redox-sensitive contaminants, with a focus on Hg and MeHg. MOMAC presents a novel approach, combining the redox buffering capacity of manganese oxides with the high sorption capacity of activated carbon to disfavor production of MeHg, while sequestering Hg and MeHg species in soil.The first chapter focuses on the synthesis and characterization of MOMAC compared to homogenously precipitated manganese oxide (MnOx) and unaltered activated carbon (AC). Factors influencing sorption capacity (surface area) and redox-buffering capacity (average Mn redox state and Mn speciation) were investigated and compared for all materials using a variety of techniques including X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and surface area analysis. This chapter also included incubation experiment to show how characterized properties translated into redox buffer and sorption capacity in a system with artificial creek water or Hg-contaminated soils. Results showed a lower average oxidation state in MOMAC compared to homogenous MnOx and a lower surface area compared to unaltered activated carbon. However, while MnOx-treated sediments exhibited a large release of Hg, MOMAC was able to buffer redox potential compared to untreated or AC-treated sediments while maintaining Hg concentrations similar to AC.
The second chapter utilized flow-through column experiments to compare MOMAC treatments against untreated or AC-treated sediments. Addition of organic carbon was incorporated into these experiments to promote microbial activity by adding dissolved organic carbon into the influent solution as acetate and pyruvate or by homogenizing solid OC into sediment as powdered spirulina, lyophilized cyanobacteria. A stopped-flow state was implemented in the experiments to assess performance under saturated, stagnant conditions, reflecting flooding from precipitation events that can induce changes in redox potentials and reaction kinetics. Results showed that MOMAC can lower production of MeHg in soils compared to untreated and AC-treated soils. However, both abiotic and biotic reductive dissolution, particularly during the stopped-flow state, can rapidly exhaust redox-buffering capacity.
The third chapter was a small-scale in-situ field trial to assess whether MOMAC could lower MeHg in soils compared to AC or untreated soils. Soil cores were collected from two floodplain sites and two bank sites and amended with or without treatment. These soils, or soil admixtures, were aliquoted into three fine mesh bags, packed into a plastic mesh tube, and returned to point of extraction. Fine mesh bags were retrieved over the course of 11 weeks. The main Hg-species in soils across sites was analyzed using high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Results did not show that Hg or MeHg were significantly different across treatments but showed variability across sites, suggesting the experiment did not perturb the system sufficiently to observe changes. In contrast, the Hg species were largely similar across sites with some differences in MOMAC-treated soils, suggesting oxidative reaction with Hg-bearing analytes, such as organic associated Hg complexes.