The aim of Real-Time Mass Transport Vehicle Routing Problem (MTVRP) is to find a solution to route n vehicles in real time to pick up and deliver m passengers. This problem is described in the context of flexible large-scale mass transportation options that use new technologies for communication among passengers and vehicles. The solution of such a problem is relevant to future transportation options involving large scale real-time routing of shared-ride fleet transit vehicles. However, the global optimization of a complex system involving routing and scheduling multiple vehicles and passengers as well as design issues has not been strictly studied in the past. This research proposes a methodology to solve it by using a three level hierarchical optimization approach. Within the optimization process, a Mass Transport Network Design Problem (MTNDP) is solved. This paper introduces MTVRP and presents a scheme to solve it. Then, the associated algorithm to perform the MTNDP optimization is described in detail. An instance for the city of Barcelona, Spain is solved, showing promising results with regard to the applicability of the methodology for large scale transit problems.