Much problem-solving research has investigated if and why
‘two heads are better than one’, but typically posits that if there
is any process gain observed it is because of the exposure to the
ideas provided by another person’s attempted solutions. This
work fails to acknowledge or investigate what the interaction
itself contributes to joint problem solving.
Using an online version of the Alternative Uses Task, we compare
situations in which people are passively exposed to what
is said in a dialogue with situations in which people are actively
engaged in the dialogue, thus varying the interactivity independently
of the informational content that participants were
exposed to.
Interacting participants produce more turns overall, but they
do not come up with more ideas. Interacting participants were
also more likely to build on each other’s ideas and produce
more complex ideas when a turn is linked to a previous idea;
following leads to elaboration – but only if there is genuine
interactivity. These results indicate that conversational mechanisms
promote the exploration of a problem space and that
merely counting the number of ideas produced would miss the
importance of the interaction itself.