For every regular graph, we define a sequence of integers, using the recursion of the Martin polynomial. We prove that this sequence counts spanning tree partitions and thus constitutes the diagonal coefficients of powers of the Kirchhoff polynomial. We also prove that this sequence respects all known symmetries of Feynman period integrals in quantum field theory. We show that other quantities with this property, the invariant and the extended graph permanent, are essentially determined by our new sequence. This proves the completion conjecture for the invariant at all primes, and also that it is fixed under twists. We conjecture that our invariant is perfect: Two Feynman periods are equal, if and only if, their Martin sequences are equal.
Mathematics Subject Classifications: 81Q30, 05C70, 05C45
Keywords: Martin polynomial, transitions, spanning trees, point counts, Feynman integrals, integer sequences, permanent, Prüfer sequence