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Scholarly Works (19 results)
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Peer Reviewed
The Lunch Box Series, A: Healthy Lunches for Preschool Children
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Basic nutrition facts (including USDA's MyPyramid for Kids), and how to apply them when preparing lunch for young children. Sample menus included.
Peer Reviewed
The Lunch Box Series, D: Appealing Lunches for Preschool Children
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
A packed lunch that's tasty, colorful, and nutritious is sure to appeal to your preschooler. Basic guidelines and sample menus are included.
Peer Reviewed
La lonchera, A: Almuerzos saludables para preescolares
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Los conceptos básicos de la nutrición (incluyendo MiPirámide para Preescolares) para niños pequeños.
Peer Reviewed
The Lunch Box Series, C: Safe Lunches for Preschool Children
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Tips on keeping food safety in mind when you put together your preschooler's nutritious sack lunch.
Peer Reviewed
The Lunch Box Series, B: Learning from Labels
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Basic information on how to read and interpret the Nutrition Facts and ingredients labels on foods.
Peer Reviewed
La lonchera, C: Cómo empacar almuerzos seguros para preescolares
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Guía de seguridad alimentaria con consejos a tener en cuenta cuando se prepara el almuerzo nutritivo para su hijo preescolar.
Peer Reviewed
The Lunch Box Series, E: 15 Take-Along Lunches for Preschool Children
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Fifteen simple, balanced bag-lunch menus to keep your preschooler healthy and well-fed, plus guidelines for making menus of your own.
Peer Reviewed
La lonchera, B: Aprendamos de las etiquetas de los alimentos
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
La información básica para leer e interpretar los datos nutritivos y las etiquetas de ingredientes de los alimentos.
Peer Reviewed
La lonchera, D: Almuerzos apetitosos para preescolares
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Un almuerzo empacado que es sabroso, colorado y nutritivo le apetecerá a su hijo preescolar. Se incluyen pautas básicas y ejemplos de menús.
Peer Reviewed
La lonchera, E: 15 almuerzos que los preescolares pueden llevar
Peterson, Shirley
Nutrition and Health
Quince menús sencillos y equilibrados para la bolsa del almuerzo para mantener la salud de su hijo preescolar.