Applications require access to multiple information sources and the
data of other applications. WSDL-based web services are becoming a popular way
of making information sources available on the web and, hence, to applications
that need to consume them -- often via data integration systems that combine the
data of multiple sources. We argue that the function signature paradigm that is
used today by web services cannot capture the query capabilities provided by
structurally rich and functionally powerful information sources, such as
relational databases. We propose the Query Set Specification Language (QSSL)
that allows the concise description of sets of parameterized XPath queries. A
QSS is embedded in a WSDL specification to form a specialized type of web
services, called Data Services. Data Services connect the calls that the source
accepts with the underlying schema. QSSL will be enhanced to describe subsets
of XQuery expressions beyond XPath ones.
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS2003-0739