Causal learning is a fundamental ability that enables human
reasoners to learn about the complex interactions in the world
around them. The available evidence with children and adults,
however, suggests that the mechanism or set of mechanisms
that underpins causal perception and causal reasoning are not
well understood; that is, it is unclear whether causal
perception and causal reasoning are underpinned by a
Bayesian mechanism, associative mechanism, or both. It has
been suggested that a Bayesian mechanism, rather than an
associative mechanism, underpins causal reasoning because
such a mechanism can better explain the putative backward-
blocking finding in children and adults (e.g., Sobel,
Tenenbaum, & Gopnik, 2004). In this paper, we report two
experiments to examine to what extent infants and adults
exhibit backward blocking and whether humans’ ability to
reason about causal events is underpinned by an associative
mechanism, a Bayesian mechanism, or both.