The fundamental constraints governing the flow of energy through consumer-resource systems ultimately determines the structure and dynamics of food webs. As this is true generally,
it is also true for plant-herbivore systems, where herbivores must compete with each
other to obtain sufficient caloric return. Because diverse herbivore communities are com-
posed of species spanning a large range in body sizes, the different life histories imposed
by these body sizes, the different effects of mortalities upon them, and the different effects
these species have on their resources interact in complex ways, perhaps playing a role in
determining the conditions for coexistence. This dissertation describes a complex of ways in
which herbivore body size governs the existence and coexistence of populations over three
scales of inquiry: pair-wise consumer resource dynamics, adaptive food-webs, and food-webs
in environmental and historical contexts.
Firstly, we construct a minimal consumer-resource dynamic system where the vital rates
determining life history attributes are established on process-based energetic trade-offs. For
this system, we derive the timescales associated with four alternative sources of mortality for
terrestrial mammals: starvation from resource limitation, mortality associated with aging,
consumption by specialist to generalist predators, and mortality introduced by subsidized
harvest. The incorporation of these allometric relationships into the consumer-resource
system illuminates central constraints that may contribute to the structure of mammalian
communities. Our framework reveals that while starvation largely impacts smaller-bodied
species, external predation and subsidized harvest primarily influence larger-bodied species.
Finally, we predict the harvest pressure required to induce mass-specific extinctions as well
as the predator-prey mass ratios at which dynamic instabilities form that may limit the
feasibility of megaherbivore populations
Secondly, we expand the minimal consumer-resource model of Chapter 1 into an n-
dimensional plant-herbivore food web model, and where foraging behaviors are adaptive.
In addition, we explore three alternative relationships between body-mass and diet-breadth:
that of increasing breadth with mass, decreasing breadth with mass, and a non-linear relationship
with high diet breadth for large and small herbivores. Our results demonstrate that
our approach accurately captures macroecological patterns such as Damuth’s Law. We ob-
serve that the negative mass-breadth relationship maximizes herbivore survival, while the
competitive dynamics of plant-herbivore systems heavily favours larger consumers, with
smaller consumers adaptively avoiding competitive overlap to enable persistence. Finally,
communities with high levels of dietary overlap, where small consumers cannot escape
predation, display consistently reduced richness.
Thirdly, we investigate mammalian herbivore body-mass distributions through the allometric,
adaptive, plant-herbivore food-webs of Chapter 2 over two broad environmental
axes: closed vs open environments and humid vs arid environments. The incorporation
of diverse historical mass-distributions with environmental scenarios provides insight into
the relationship between distribution structure and community stability. Our framework
demonstrates that broad separation in body-mass increases community stability. It shows
that large gaps in body-size can reverse the normally positive mass-fitness relationship. It
shows that the distinction between humid and arid environments does not alter the patterns
of herbivore competition that govern community stability. Finally, the distinction between
closed and open environments can substantially alter competitive outcomes as closed
environments can provide more opportunities for niche partitioning by smaller herbivores.