This thesis will start by presenting an equivalence between a broad class of interacting disorder-free and disordered non-interacting systems. Such systems include, but are not limited to, nodal semimetals, dilute gases of bosons, trapped-ion systems with long-range interactions, and superconductive films. This equivalence is powerful: on the one hand, it allows one to simulate many-body effects by mapping them to single-body effects in disorder potentials; on the other hand, one can predict new types of phase transitions by mapping existing ones to them.
After establishing the equivalence, I will discuss three examples of such unconventional phase transitions found by duality mapping. For the first example, I will show that the BCS-BEC crossover can be mapped to a disorder-driven transition in nodal-point semimetal using the derived duality. For the second example, I will show that the BCS-superconducting transition can be mapped to a disorder-driven transition in nodal-line semimetals. These two disorder-driven transitions are different from the Anderson metal-insulator transition, which expands the types of disorder-driven transitions in non-interacting systems.
The third example is an unconventional interaction-driven transition found by mapping disorder-driven transitions to them. I will derive a phase transition of a dilute gas of bosons with power-law dispersion at finite temperatures between a phase where the bosons are effectively non-interacting and a phase where the bosons are strongly interacting. I will also discuss an example spin model that exhibits this transition, which is the $d$-dimensional XXZ model with long-range interactions, with the interaction strength decaying as the distance to the power $\delta$. The elementary excitations in this model are magnons with dispersion $k^{\delta-d}$ with attractive interactions. The spin model might be realized, and the phase transition can be detected in trapped-ion experiments.
Finally, in the last part of this thesis, I will discuss the effects of quenched disorder in magnetic materials. I will focus on a special type of quenched disorder --- spin vacancies. Though the spin vacancies are defects achieved by substituting a non-magnetic ion to replace the original magnetic ion, the screening by the surrounding bulk spins can introduce a free-spin degree of freedom, a ``quasispin'', to the vacancies, which leads to a $1/T$ contribution to the magnetic susceptibility. I will derive this quasispin effect for Ising chains with nearest- and next-to-nearest-neighbor interactions. I will also study the effective interactions between the spin vacancies mediated through the bulk spins.