Across a variety of fields, interpolation algorithms have been used to upsample low
resolution or coarse data fields. In this work, novel Gaussian Process based methods
are employed to solve a variety of upsampling problems. Specifically three
applications are explored: coarse data prolongation in Adaptive Mesh Refinement
(AMR) in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, accurate document image
upsampling to enhance Optical Character Recognition (OCR) accuracy, and fast
and accurate Single Image Super Resolution (SISR). For AMR, a new, efficient,
and “3rd order accurate” algorithm called GP-AMR is presented. Next, a novel,
non-zero mean, windowed GP model is generated to upsample low resolution document
images to generate a higher OCR accuracy, when compared to the industry
standard. Finally, a hybrid GP convolutional neural network algorithm is used to
generate a computationally efficient and high quality SISR model.