Introduction: Expanding naloxone availability is important to reduce opioid-related deaths. Recent data suggest low, variable urban naloxone availability. No reports describe naloxone availability at the point of sale (POSN). We characterize POSN without prescription across a Midwestern metropolitan area, via a unique poison center-based study.
Methods: Pharmacies were randomly sampled within a seven-county metropolitan area, geospatially mapped, and distributed among seven investigators, who visited pharmacies and asked, “May I purchase naloxone here without a prescription from my doctor?” Following “No,” investigators asked, “Are you aware of the state statute that allows you to dispense naloxone to the public under a standing order?” Materials describing statutory support for POSN were provided. Responses were uploaded to REDCap in real time. We excluded specialty (veterinary, mail order, or infusion) pharmacies a priori. POSN availability is presented as descriptive statistics; characteristics of individual sites associated with POSN availability are reported.
Results: In total, 150 pharmacies were prospectively randomized, with 52 subsequently excluded or unavailable for survey. Thus, 98 were included in the final analysis. POSN was available at 71 (72.5%) of 98 pharmacies. POSN availability was more likely at chain than independent pharmacies (84.7% vs 38.5%, p<0.001); rural areas were more commonly served by independent than chain pharmacies (47.4% vs 21.5%, p = 0.022). Five chain and five independent pharmacies (18.5% each) were unaware of state statutory support for collaborative POSN agreements. Statutory awareness was similar between independent and chain pharmacies (68.8% vs 54.6%, p = 0.453). Rationale for no POSN varied.
Conclusion: POSN is widely available in this metropolitan area. Variability exists between chain and independent pharmacies, and among pharmacies of the same chain; awareness of statutory guidance does not. Poison centers can act to define local POSN availability via direct inquiry in their communities.