This paper introduces a simple shading model for cloth. The model
can simulate both the anisotropic highlights on cloth as well as the complex
color shifts seen in cloth made of different colored threads. Our model is
based on extensive Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)
measurements of several cloth samples. We have also measured the scattering
profile of several different individual cloth threads. Based on these
measurements we have derived a simple model capable of predicting the light
scattered by different threads. We model cloth as a collection of threads in a
weave pattern which provides information about the coverage of the different
thread types as well as their tangent directions. Our model also accounts for
shadowing and masking by the threads. We validate our model by comparing
predicted and measured values and we show how we can use the model to recover
parameters for different cloth samples including silk, velvet, linen, and
polyester with varying weaving patterns. We can also, model the appearance of
novel physically plausible cloth fabrics. Finally, we demonstrate that our
model can run in real-time on a GPU.
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS2012-0975