This study presents physical, computational and analytical modeling approaches for
light propagation in luminescent random media. Two different approaches are used, namely
(i) a statistical approach: Monte-Carlo simulations for photon transport and (ii) a deterministic approach: radiative transport theory. Both approaches account accurately for the
multiple absorption and reemission of light at different wavelengths and for anisotropic
luminescence. The deterministic approach is a generalization of radiative transport theory
for solving inelastic scattering problems in random media. We use the radiative transport
theory to study light propagation in luminescent media. Based on this theory, we also study
the optically thick medium. Using perturbation methods, a corrected diffusion approximation with asymptotically accurate boundary conditions and a boundary layer solution are
derived. The accuracy and the efficacy of this approach is verified for a plane-parallel slab
problem. In particular, we apply these two approaches (MC and radiative transport theory) to model light propagation in semiconductor-based luminescent solar concentrators
(LSCs). The computational results for both approaches are compared with each other and
found to agree. The results of this dissertation present practical and reliable techniques to
use for solving forward/inverse inelastic scattering problems arising in various research areas such as optics, biomedical engineering, nuclear engineering, solar science and material