This index is the first published index to the American Indian Culture and Research Journal. Originally titled the American Indian Culture Center Journal and published in the Spring of 1970 as a low-cost, semi-scholarly, literary publication, the Journal emerged on an irregular basis due to budgetary problems. In 1974 the journal title was changed to the present American Indian Culture and Research Journal to better reflect the growth and programmatic change of the American Indian Studies Center. The newly formatted and titled Journal focused its scope on the publication of research-oriented essays, in conjunction with literary and historical articles.
It is in this period of increased scholarship on American Indians, when the Journal emerged with quality articles and a wider readership, that this index begins. The index reflects the first ten years of the Journal when it emerged and continued as an important vehicle to support the development of in-depth scholarly research in American Indian Studies.
The scope of the index includes articles, poetry, review essays, research notes and stories; excluded are the book reviews. The index is categorized, however, by author, by title and by subject. The subject entries generally conform to the Library of Congress Subject Headings under the classification "Indians of orth America." Modifications have been made to reflect contemporary conditions and usage of subject categories in American Indian Studies. All entries contain full bibliographic information: author, title, volume and number, year and page numbers. Individual titles of poems are not cited but may be found under author, under "poem" or "poems" in the title index, or under "poetry" in the subject index.