As the number of Latino elected officials grows, it is critical that their effectiveness and accountability by evaluated. A recurring theme in ethnic politics is the degree to which ethnic representatives provide a special voice for their constituents. “There has been a tendency to equate political presence with political power; it is assumed that by simply electing Hispanics to office, benefits will begin to accrue” (Vigil, 1987). However, Latinos have trouble agreeing on a unified approach because the vested interests they represent are not monolithic (Maharidge, 1993). The California Legislature’s Latino Caucus consequently has been regarded by critics as lacking much impact on legislation. Ethnic politicians must resolve their internal differences before they can commence to resolve the ills of their constituents. This study will examine their records of Latino legislators who were members of the Caucus during the 1993-94 term to assess how effective they have been both as individual and as members of the Caucus. Hopefully, this work will be a first step in prompting research on Latino political representation.
Based on this work, the researchers seek to evaluate Latino political participation and representation in California during the 1993-94 legislative term. Part II reviews available studies on Latinos in the political process with a special focus on California. Using this background, the study next analyzed the collective and individual efforts of Latino legislators in California during the 1993-94 session. Part III addresses the Caucus collectively, including its history, organizational structures, areas of legislative effectiveness, individual members’ interaction and perspectives, and future prospects. Part III of the study evaluates individual members of the Caucus by comparing their current legislative records to their districts’ concerns and their stated positions and priorities. This section of the study also explores the amount of legislative effort expended on Latino-related issues. Finally, in Part IV, recommendations are made regarding future research and policy directions in the field of Latino political participation.