We study three distinct ways of assigning infinitary limits to classes of finite structures. We are primarily concerned with logically motivated questions about these limit objects and their theories, as well as connections and analogies between them.
In the first part, we consider limits of sequences of finite structures which converge with respect to densities of quantifier-free formulas, generalizing the dense graph limits and similar structural limits studied in combinatorics. A convergent sequence determines, as a limit object, a certain kind of probability measure on the space of countable structures with domain $\omega$, which we call an ergodic structure. After developing the background theory, we take up the case of properly ergodic structures, which do not assign full measure to any single isomorphism class. The main result is a purely logical characterization of those theories in countable fragments of $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$ which arise as the theories of properly ergodic structures.
In the second part, we study categories consisting of finite structures and certain ``strong" embeddings between them. We identify a necessary and sufficient condition for the well-definedness of strong embeddings between infinite direct limits from the category. This allows us to develop the natural generalization of classical Fra\"iss