Biological swarms are collections of many independent
agents who are motivated to remain clustered in a large group.
The motion of swarms, then, is complex, with the influence if
independent members within a coherent structure of the
group. We investigated whether human perception of
biological swarms was sensitive to this internal complexity of
the group motion, as has been observed for biological motion
of single objects, such as the limbs of a walking person. In
two experiments, we tested motion detection and
discrimination of biological swarm motion compared with
scrambled, unstructured spiral and rigidly-structured
rotational motion. The results showed that discrimination of
swarms was superior to perception of scrambled swarms that
contained no structure, but was worse than discrimination of
the motion of rigid structures. These results suggest that
perception of swarms does not engage a specialized
mechanism for detecting internal structure, as is found with
other types of biological motion, but instead reflects the
properties of perception of a coherent global motion. These
results have implications for the design of human-machine
interfaces. The majority of existing human-robot swarm
interaction visualizations presents the human user with each
individual swarm member. The presented results imply that
an abstract visualization representing the general swarm
structure will perform as well, or better than visualizations of
each individual.