While inadequate treatment intensification may contribute to sub-optimal CVD risk factor control in older patients with diabetes, the relationship between patient age and treatment intensification is largely unexplored.Objective
To examine differences in treatment intensification and control for blood pressure (BP), lipids and A1c in older vs. younger adults with diabetes.Methods
A total of 161,697 Kaiser Permanente Northern California adult diabetes patients were stratified by age (<50, 50-64, 65-74 and 75-85) and assessed for control of A1c (<8%), LDL-c (<100 mg/dl) and SBP (<140 mmHg). Probit models assessed the marginal effects of patient age on treatment intensification and control for all three CVD risk factors.Results
Patients aged 50-64 and 65-74 were significantly more likely to receive treatment intensification for elevated SBP than patients under 50 (74% and 76% vs. 71%) and significantly less likely to receive treatment intensification for elevated A1c (73% and 72% vs. 76%), with no differences noted for LDL-c treatment. Older patients had significantly worse SBP control, but better control of A1c and LDL-c.Conclusions
Both treatment intensification rates and control of BP, A1c and LDL cholesterol control varied somewhat by age, suggesting room for further improvement in treatment intensification and control.