This paper aims to provide a view of the role of analogical mapping in the entire process of analogical problem solving. In many models, analogical mapping is responsible for identifying the analogy between two problems by considering structural and semantic similarities. However,given a non-trivial analogy problem, success of mapping does not always guarantee successful transfer of analogy. In fact, there exist many analogy problems, which succeed on analogical mapping but which faU on analogical transfer. While a potential mapping between problems cane generated, that mapping might not be justifiable until transfer from one problem to another is attempted.W e present our analogical mapping method and show how it works for inter-domain and intra-domain analogies. W e demonstrate several analogy problems in which a mapping can be generated that cannot be transferred. W e also compare our method to two general mapping mechanisms, S M E and A C M E , and show that it performs at least as well, and sometimes better than either of those methods.