The purpose of this paper is to compare the
results of adults' performances in cued-recall and
recognition of expository texts with the results
of simulations derived from the construction-
integration model proposed by Kintsch (1988.
1990). In the cued recall task, we manipulated
three parameters: the weights of the connexions
in the net, the size of the short-term memory
buffer and the representations of the sentence
used as a cue. The main results show that w e
need to simulate the macroprocessing and the
priw knowlegde of the learners to be able to
increase the simulations. In the recognition
task, w e simulate the representation of 4 levels
(surface syntactic variation, close semantic
variation, inference and distant semantic
variationreferring to the same situation model
than the text) using different connexion weights
function the decay of the memory trace. The
main results show the necessity to take into
account these levels to explain the subjects'
cognitive processes involved in a
comprehension/memcM-ization task. For both
experiments, the activation values obtained
cOTTectly fitthe hierarchy of the experimental