Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) management and glycemic control in underserved non-Hispanic Black adults presents with multifaceted challenges: balancing the optimal complexity of antihyperglycemic medications prescribed, limited medication access due to socioeconomic status, medication nonadherence, and high prevalence of cardiometabolic comorbidities. This single-center, cross-sectional, retrospective chart analysis evaluated the association of Medication Regimen Complexity (MRC) with cardiometabolic outcomes (glycemic, atherogenic cholesterol, and blood pressure control) among non-Hispanic Black adults with type 2 diabetes. Utilizing 470 independent patient electronic health records, MRC and other covariates were examined to determine their associations with cardiometabolic outcomes. Chi-square tests of independence and multiple logistic regression were performed to identify associations between MRC and cardiometabolic outcomes. Our findings indicate significant negative and positive associations between MRC and glycemic control and atherogenic cholesterol control, respectively. However, there were no associations between MRC and blood pressure control. As diabetes MRC was shown to be associated with poor glycemic control and improved atherogenic cholesterol control, there is a critical need to standardize interdisciplinary diabetes care to include pharmacists and to develop more insurance policy interventions that increase access to newer, efficacious diabetes medications for historically marginalized populations.