Image segmentation and object recognition are among the most
fundamental problems in computer vision, and the potential interaction between
these tasks has been discussed for many years. The usefulness of recognition
for segmentation has been demonstrated with various top-down segmentation
algorithms, however, the impact of bottom-up image segmentation as
pre-processing for object recognition is not well understood. One factor
impeding the utility of segmentation for recognition is the unsatisfactory
quality of image segmentation algorithms. In this work we take advantage of a
recently proposed method for computing multiple stable segmentations and
illustrate the application of bottom-up image segmentation as a preprocessing
step for object recognition and categorization. We extend a popular
bag-of-features recognition model to provide multiple class categorization and
localization of objects in images. We compare our categorization results to
that of a conventional bag-of-features recognition model on the Caltech and
PASCAL image databases.
Pre-2018 CSE ID: CS2007-0908