The ability to inhibit the processing of irrelevant informationdeclines as adults age (Hasher & Zacks, 1988; Lustig, Hasherand Tonev, 2006; Mayr, 2001). However, previous researchinvestigating inhibitory control in older adults has notevaluated the extent to which irrelevant information isprocessed and later recognized. Using a dual task paradigmwith young adults, Dewald, Sinnett, and Doumas (2011)demonstrated inhibited recognition for previously ignoredwords, provided they had appeared infrequently with targetsin the primary task, compared to words that did not appearwith targets. The current study adapted this paradigm toexamine inhibitory mechanisms in a sample of older adults.Here, older adults exhibited inhibited recognition for allwords while young adults continued to show greaterinhibition for words that had appeared with targets comparedto words that had not. This finding suggests that older adultsmay experience a decline in the selective inhibition ofirrelevant information.