Goodnight, Simon is a novel that follows Simon, a little boy creating life on other planetsto get closer to his family and to satiate his loneliness. The story as a whole mixes mythology,geology, chemistry, biology, creationism, and familial drama to largely encompass the currenthuman experience. Through this fictional lens, we’ll go from before abiogenesis, to the cambrianexplosion, to the extinction of the dinosaurs, to humans taking their first steps towards ourmodern age. On the more interpersonal level, it's a coming of age story, as well as creativedevelopment and discussion between a mother and son.The novel is meant to be a shared reading between parents and their children, giving wayto future discussions about boundaries, creative freedoms, and how to take criticism. It is alsomeant to be educational, looking towards Earth’s history, as well as an introduction to evolution,biology, and astronomy. I hope it will be enlightening for those curious about an amalgamationbetween fiction and science.