Anthropogenic climate change in the western U.S. involves increasing
temperatures, decreasing water availability and increasing frequency of extreme weather
events. Predicting how subalpine forests will respond to climate change is complicated by
variation in intraspecific responses. To address the question of whether subalpine tree
populations will be able to tolerate future climatic conditions within their current
distribution, I compared the physiological, phenological and morphological response of
seedlings of two limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) mitochondrial haplotypes (narrow and
wide-ranging) to simulated climate change. I conducted a 15-week growth chamber
experiment on seedlings under low light conditions and two temperature treatments:
ambient (recent climate conditions) and heated (ambient +5°C). I recorded the timing of
developmental stages and measured seedling net photosynthetic and dark respiration
rates, total biomass, root to shoot mass and length, specific leaf area (SLA) and specific
root length (SRL). I found that the ambient chamber had greater average rates of net
photosynthesis and dark respiration. Between haplotypes, there was a marginally
significant difference in net photosynthesis and a significant difference in dark
respiration. There were significant morphological differences between the haplotypes and
chambers in root to shoot mass and SLA. Seedlings in the heated chamber germinated, on
average, two weeks earlier than in the heated chamber and experienced a five-fold
increase in mortality rate. The results of this experiment suggests that limber pine
seedlings growing in the shade in a 5°C warmer climate will suffer near zero carbon
balance, increased mortality, and will experience a longer growing season.