Elastic components in flapping wing micro-aerial vehicles, or FWMAV, have been a topicof interest for their high dynamic efficiency and energy storage. Previous work has looked at
the use of a dynamically scaled robo-physical model to analyze the energetics of a spring-wing
system. Both the simulation and experimental analysis reaffirm the advantages of resonance
behavior in high-frequency wing stroke motion. However, this system, similar to its biological
counterparts, suffers from significant energy loss due to damping. A method to accelerate
the system’s transition into stable resonance is needed. In this vein, the effect of active pitch
control during the emergence of resonance behavior in a spring-wing system is analyzed and studied. Simulation of the dynamic model was constructed for kinematic analysis. To validate
the hypothesis, a physical robotic apparatus is used to experimentally observe the behavior of
the system. We determine the variation in kinematic phase difference between the stroke and
pitch angle will result in changes in the effective drag coefficient. The results of this paper can
be applied in furthering the development of active pitch locomotion of a FWMAV and studies of
insect flight behavior.