Plant biomass amendments affect soil hydrological properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects when wood biomass from a previous
orchard is applied and incorporated into the soil prior to planting the next orchard
with the practice of whole orchard recycling (WOR). Select soil properties of bulk
density (ρb), porosity (ϕ), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), matric flux
potential (Ψ), and water retention curves were measured for non-amended soil
(Control) and WOR treatments. Results show significantly different values (p <
0.05) at depth with wood biomass present (15 cm) for ϕ, Ksat, and Ψ. For the same
depth, differences in van Genutchen (1980) model parameters resulted in different
water retention curves. I conclude WOR has effects on soil properties where wood
biomass is incorporated. Based on the properties affected (e.g., Ksat), WOR may also
influence soil moisture content deeper in the soil (i.e., below the depth where wood
biomass is incorporated) given the interaction of surface soil properties to irrigated
water’s timing and amount.