Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Bourns College of Engineering

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8rk2x6pjA chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome1481252384.5%
3hc6j2tqEstablishment of strigolactone-producing bacterium-yeast consortium117199816.2%
7jh6k6phTRAVOLTA: GPU acceleration and algorithmic improvements for constructing quantum optimal control fields in photo-excited systems75175822.7%
0v30z0pxThermal desorption of dimethyl methylphosphonate from MoO358372163.8%
0d94g6rsSpectroscopic and Computational Investigation of Room-Temperature Decomposition of a Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant on Polycrystalline Cupric Oxide56362064.3%
41j296shSynthesis of Formate from CO2 Gas Catalyzed by an O2‑Tolerant NAD-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenase and Glucose Dehydrogenase56243242.9%
1dr6q4x6Validating genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 function improves screening in the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica49222744.9%
3r84x9zvImplementation of real‐time TDDFT for periodic systems in the open‐source PySCF software package47272057.4%
1f80z7rtOverview of ICARUSA Curated, Open Access, Online Repository for Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Data45261957.8%
51c8p1tpMetagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses Reveal the Structure and Dynamics of a Dechlorinating Community Containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi and Corrinoid-Providing Microorganisms under Cobalamin-Limited Conditions44123227.3%
6g64x0rsA reverse-selective ion exchange membrane for the selective transport of phosphates via an outer-sphere complexation–diffusion pathway44301468.2%
4nz890c4Structure: Function Studies of the Cytosolic, Mo- and NAD+-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenase from Cupriavidus necator40192147.5%
7q78r66nTherapeutic targeting of tumor hypoxia and necrosis with antibody α-radioconjugates39211853.8%
0pz439f0Comparative genomics analysis of drought response between obligate CAM and C3 photosynthesis plants38182047.4%
9vf5g7mqDevelopment of a Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Method Coupled with Whole Genome Amplification To Analyze Minority and Trace Dehalococcoides Genomes in Microbial Communities37231462.2%
1xp973j1Yeast as a promising heterologous host for steroid bioproduction35152042.9%
2652p058Efficient reduction of CO2 by the molybdenum-containing formate dehydrogenase from Cupriavidus necator (Ralstonia eutropha)35122334.3%
70t398kcSelective function-blocking monoclonal human antibody highlights the important role of membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) in metastasis35231265.7%
1mr7d9svActive-site MMP-selective antibody inhibitors discovered from convex paratope synthetic libraries34201458.8%
4h02911gRational design strategies for functional reconstitution of plant cytochrome P450s in microbial systems33161748.5%
5jp4d275Sustainable Growth of Dehalococcoides mccartyi 195 by Corrinoid Salvaging and Remodeling in Defined Lactate-Fermenting Consortia33201360.6%
1g61n7fnIdentification of specific corrinoids reveals corrinoid modification in dechlorinating microbial communities27101737.0%
63k4k81hEffects of residual disinfectants on the redox speciation of lead( ii )/( iv ) minerals in drinking water distribution systems27131448.1%
348352w2Incomplete Wood–Ljungdahl pathway facilitates one-carbon metabolism in organohalide-respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi2671926.9%
69b4r239Predicting Solute Transport Through Green Stormwater Infrastructure With Unsteady Transit Time Distribution Theory2620676.9%
3568c68gAlcohol Oxidation at Platinum–Gas and Platinum–Liquid Interfaces: The Effect of Platinum Nanoparticle Size, Water Coadsorption, and Alcohol Concentration2519676.0%
0hv063rrAerobic Biotransformation and Defluorination of Fluoroalkylether Substances (ether PFAS): Substrate Specificity, Pathways, and Applications24111345.8%
13q0s5tvMetal doped nitrogenous hydroxyapatite nanohybrids slowly release nitrogen to crops and mitigate ammonia volatilization: An impact assessment151146.7%
9f761490Use of a novel camelid-inspired human antibody demonstrates the importance of MMP-14 to cancer stem cell function in the metastatic process157846.7%
0sn7555wZinc- and magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite-urea nanohybrids enhance wheat growth and nitrogen uptake130130.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.