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Open Access Publications from the University of California

This series is home to publications and data sets from the Bourns College of Engineering at the University of California, Riverside.

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Center for Environmental Research and Technology

Cover page of Network Consistent Data Association

Network Consistent Data Association


Existing data association techniques mostly focus on sequentially matching pairs of data-point sets and then repeating this process along space-time to achieve long term correspondences. However, in many problems such as person re-identification, a set of data-points may be observed at multiple spatio-temporal locations and/or by multiple agents in a network and simply combining the local pairwise association results between sets of data-points often lead to inconsistencies over the global space-time horizons. In this paper, we propose a novel Network Consistent Data Association (NCDA) framework formulated as an optimization problem that not only maintains consistency in association results across the network, but also improves the pairwise data association accuracies. The proposed NCDA can be solved as a binary integer program leading to a globally optimal solution and is capable of handling the challenging data-association scenario where the number of data-points varies across different sets of instances in the network. We have tested NCDA in two application areas, viz., person re-identification and spatio-temporal cell tracking and observed consistent and highly accurate data association results in both the cases.

Cover page of Technical note with Supporting Results forOutlier Accommodation Nonlinear State Estimation:A Risk-Averse Performance-Specified Approach

Technical note with Supporting Results forOutlier Accommodation Nonlinear State Estimation:A Risk-Averse Performance-Specified Approach


This tech note extends the discussion of the numericalresults in [1]. The main article should be read first. Thatarticle presents RAPS for nonlinear applications; therefore,linear systems are a special case. This technical note includesnumerical results specific to linear systems that did not fitwithin the journal page constraints. Section I briefly introduceslinear system mode model. Section III studies the performanceof the binary RAPS approach for vehicle state estimation. Thelinear application is referred to in the GNSS literature as a PVAmodel wherein the GNSS measurements are used to estimatethe position, velocity, and acceleration of the GNSS antenna.Such estimators are included in almost all GNSS receivers.