K-12 Racial Disparities in School Discipline

Parent: The Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7hm2456zLost Opportunities: How Disparate School Discipline Continues to Drive Differences in the Opportunity to Learn78868810087.3%
3g36n0c3Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School3222259769.9%
2t36g571Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap?32112219938.0%
8pd0s08zOut of School and Off Track: The Overuse of Suspensions in American Middle and High Schools2438116233.3%
9rw655w8Disturbing Inequities: Exploring the Relationship Between Racial Disparities in Special Education Identification and Discipline1766111534.7%
8fh0s5dvSuspended Education: Urban Middle Schools in Crisis1744912528.2%
6kw7w8s8Dignity, Disparity and Desistance: Effective Restorative Justice Strategies to Plug the "School-to-Prison Pipeline"161151469.3%
1x66c4n2Is California Doing Enough to Close the School Discipline Gap?125953076.0%
85m2m6sjThe High Cost Of Harsh Discipline And Its Disparate Impact122447836.1%
2mx8c60xWhat Conditions Jeopardize and Support Safety in Urban Schools? The Influence of Community Characteristics, School Composition and School Organizational Practices on Student and Teacher Reports of Safety in Chicago114268822.8%
8mv1z75kReconsidering the Alternatives: The Relationship between Suspension, Disciplinary Alternative School Placement, Subsequent Juvenile Detention, and the Salience of Race99445544.4%
4pw0d5n8Misbehavior, Suspensions, and Security Measures in High School: Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences98217721.4%
7zc0c135The Economic Effects of Exclusionary Discipline on Grade Retention and High School Dropout80463457.5%
0d4807x3Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Subsequent Outcomes: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 199774146018.9%
46c8z6z2A Mixed Methods Approach Examining Disproportionality in School Discipline60253541.7%
4sq993qdSent Home and Put Off-Track: The Antecedents, Disproportionalities, and Consequences of Being Suspended in the Ninth Grade604566.7%
0x36s2wfThe Hidden Cost of California's Harsh School Discipline58263244.8%
35z7c5shThe Effectiveness of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports for Reducing Racially Inequitable Disciplinary Exclusions in Middle Schools58233539.7%
2d18x1jbMaking Education Work for Latinas in the U.S.55183732.7%
65x5j31hCharter Schools, Civil Rights and School Discipline: A Comprehensive Review51183335.3%
7td9r8gqLost Instruction Time in California Schools: The Disparate Harm from Post-Pandemic Punitive Suspensions50232746.0%
9d19p8wtThe Striking Outlier: The Persistent, Painful and Problematic Practice of Corporal Punishment in Schools50262452.0%
8kr718bxUnmasking School Discipline Disparities in California:  What the 2019-2020 Data Can Tell Us About Problems and Progress49103920.4%
5wh4x276Lost Instruction: The Disparate Impact of the School Discipline Gap in California44162836.4%
7xv434vqUpdate to Lost Instruction Time in California Schools44103422.7%
18h2929cStudent Threat Assessment as a Method of Reducing Student Suspensions41132831.7%
2x35t1tfDiscipline and Participation: The Long-Term Effects of Suspension and School Security on the Political and Civic Engagement of Youth41103124.4%
9148d09qSuspended Education in California41172441.5%
50b4g9h1The Unequal Impact of Suspension on the Opportunity to Learn in CA39231659.0%
8fb9x11wThe Costs of High School Failure and School Suspensions for the State of California38102826.3%
2pw440h5Disabling Inequity: The Urgent Need for Race-Conscious Resource Remedies370370.0%
65w0k9tmClosing the School Discipline Gap in California: Signs of Progress3753213.5%
8cj0n19mThe Economic Burden of High School Dropouts and School Suspensions in Florida31112035.5%
99v051v1Opportunities Suspended: The Devastating Consequences of Zero Tolerance and School Discipline3142712.9%
9dh9k3bqWhere Should We Intervene? Contributions of Behavior, Student, and School Characteristics to Suspension and Expulsion3092130.0%
0wq1s982Nationwide Survey of State Education Agencies’ Online School Disciplinary Data for Students with Disabilities 2932610.3%
80x0r63xThe Promise of a Teacher Professional Development Program in Reducing the Racial Disparity in Classroom Exclusionary Discipline270270.0%
6n84676sReducing Suspension among Academically Disengaged Black Males260260.0%
3687h8gzKeeping California's Kids in School2461825.0%
5437259jNationwide Survey of State Education Agencies’ Online School Disciplinary Data 2341917.4%
8855x4xkExamining Disproportionality in School Discipline Practices for Native American Students in Canadian Schools Implementing PBIS2171433.3%
0c39d30hResearchers Responses to Critiques of Our Study, "Charter Schools, Civil Rights and School Discipline: A Comprehensive Report."200200.0%
7wc935jgTowards Identifying School-level Factors Reducing Disciplinary Exclusions of American Indian/Alaska Native Students1961331.6%
4tx3p7tkSuspended Education in Massachusetts: Using Days of Lost Instruction Due to Suspension to Evaluate Our Schools170170.0%
2qw5d0rgAvoid Simple Solutions and Quick Fixes: Lessons Learned from a Comprehensive Districtwide Approach to Improving Conditions for Learning140140.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.