Educational Practice Reports

Parent: Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
95t956xzProgram Alternatives for Linguistically Diverse Students17436385941
1f98t91wEducating Hispanic Students: Obstacles and Avenues to Improved Academic Achievement16929454649
7cm4v2f5Two-Way Immersion 101: Designing and Implementing a Two-Way Immersion Education Program at the Elementary Level9520283413
9g91h7ffLeading for Diversity: How School Leaders Promote Positive Interethnic Relations7816211823
8s59w1jcThe Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol: A Tool for Teacher-Researcher Collaboration and Professional Development7019141720
0173m6xhPersonalizing Culture Through Anthropological and Educational Perspectives54179199
23d3c1bmImplementing Two-Way Immersion Programs in Secondary Schools42124179
1574p5t1Successful Transition into Mainstream English: Effective Strategies for Studying Literature37131185
8s47008nBroadening the Base: School/Community Partnerships Serving Language Minority Students at Risk36117711

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.