Creating Academic Community for First-Generation College Students: A Graduate Student Instructor Guidebook

Parent: Center for Research on Teaching Excellence

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7qn352n5Pulling Back the Curtain on College-Level Literacy Skills68234533.8%
2m14z6npImmigrants’ Success in Science Education and Careers533505.7%
8623f3zsRelationship of Time-Management Behaviors to the Effectiveness of Chemistry Pre-Laboratory Assignments423397.1%
8z9716cxDeveloping Critical Thinking Skills in an Introductory Calculus-Based Physics Class with the Aid of Peer Review352335.7%
1200h325Peer Review Improves Undergraduate Science Writing Skills2742314.8%
3vx0f4zmGrasping the Materiality of the Past: Digital Archaeology in Lower-Division Courses27111640.7%
2nm7k8ndThinking like an Expert: Scaffolding Mathematical Concepts in Physics Courses1931615.8%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.