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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Dermatology Online Journal

Dermatology Online Journal bannerUC Davis

Issue 19:5

Editor: Barbara Burrall MD
Managing Medical Editor: Emanual Maverakis MD
Managing Editor: Matthew Yasner MBA
Founder: Arthur C Huntley MD
Associate Editor: Ted Rosen MD
Associate Editor: Noah Scheinfeld MD
Associate Editor: Steven Emmet MD
Associate Editor: Philip Cohen MD
Dermatopathology Editor: Maxwell Fung MD
Dermatopathology Editor: Sate Hamza MD
Editor for Portuguese Articles: George Leal MD
Editor for Spanish Articles: Mauricio Goihman MD

Editorial Board

Ronald J. Barr
Carl Blesius
Barbara Burrall
Philip Cohen
William Danby
Joseph Eastern
Haines Ely
Steven Emmet
Steve Feldman
Phil Fleckman
Max Fung
Ignacio Garcio
Mauricio Goihman-Yahr
Sate Hamza
| Art Huntley
Sheraz Jamal Khan
George Leal
Fu-Tong Liu
Douglas Patton
Ted Rosen
Miguel Sanchez
Noah Scheinfeld
Kevin Smith
Mohamed-Hany el Tonsy
Shyam Verma
Guy Webster
Edward Zabawski Jr

Technical Editors

Carl Blesius MD
Robert Horton PhD
Morton Taragin PhD
Ken Weiss MBA


Department of Dermatology, University of California, Davis