Department of Informatics

Parent: Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2bv79313Translating Social Ecological Theory into Guidelines for Community Health Promotion7246358987.7%
3d675082Constructing Difference: Lego® Set Narratives Promote Stereotypic Gender Roles and Play3297125821.6%
6n0926j0Psychological and Health Outcomes of Perceived Information Overload2806821224.3%
7nz0j5p5Cold Culture: Polar Media and the Nazi Occult23642321.7%
7463f1tkUse of Digital Mental Health for Marginalized and Underserved Populations2281418761.8%
8gn9r5bgEstablishing and Maintaining Healthy Environments2249612842.9%
4jz33805Information technology and economic performance: A critical review of the empirical evidence21752122.3%
8vc3b5f8Annual Research Review: Adolescent mental health in the digital age: facts, fears, and future directions174888650.6%
7544r8x5Same benefits, different communication patterns: Comparing Children's reading with a conversational agent vs. a human partner1661402684.3%
7c0287pgTheoretical approaches to the promotion of physical activity: Forging a transdisciplinary paradigm13971325.0%
9zm4h7nfVirtual Inclusion via Telepresence Robots in the Classroom: An Exploratory Case Study1333110223.3%
9x5078wjThe science of team science: Overview of the field and introduction to the supplement132706253.0%
48x7k7j2Internet Censorship in China: Examining User Awareness and Attitudes1291411510.9%
7kc4d3p1Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing118972182.2%
1z07j77xArt and Artificial Life – a Primer116111059.5%
8mw4r00mThe Paradox of Environmental Psychology111228919.8%
5qn903bcA Social-Psychological Model of Human Crowding Phenomena107505746.7%
67p057vvCompeting in Book Retailing: The Case of Amazon.com104871783.7%
2ws11480On the distinction between density and crowding: Some implications for future research102752773.5%
7rj985mcEarly Results from a Study of GenAI Adoption in a Large Brazilian Company: The Case of Globo1018937.9%
1mt9p3wxThe role of bilingual discussion prompts in shared E-book reading96197719.8%
69q9m07sUnderstanding the Benefits and Challenges of Deploying Conversational AI Leveraging Large Language Models for Public Health Intervention94197520.2%
64j9k21hExamining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools93207321.5%
3n46d346Toward a psychological theory of alienation92821089.1%
2tj4g7scScience friction: Data, metadata, and collaboration91731880.2%
41z0x2krEvaluating transdisciplinary science.90434747.8%
3d3884zdSeven Dimensions of Contemporary Participation Disentangled80384247.5%
2ns1b8xtPsychology in an Age of Ecological Crisis79631679.7%
5m59r7t7Measuring collaboration and transdisciplinary integration in team science77403751.9%
1rm24964Electronic Medical Record Search Engine (EMERSE): An Information Retrieval Tool for Supporting Cancer Research760760.0%
5sg8b4w5The Rainbow Flag and the Green Carnation: Grindr in The Gay Village76284836.8%
8mh6n58mSurvey of Technologies for Web Application Development766707.9%
1kn271xsPersistence and Fadeout in the Impacts of Child and Adolescent Interventions75561974.7%
9193h7v4Executives' Perceptions of the Business Value of Information Technology: A Process-Oriented Approach74641086.5%
0655n3p4Beyond Abandonment to Next Steps721711.4%
8sr499xmEcological momentary interventions for depression and anxiety.72512170.8%
18x487scToward Alternative Decentralized Infrastructures693664.3%
9tx5m670Learning in the visual arts and the worldviews of young children69284140.6%
9mz1f4z0Science, Technology, and Society Studies68264238.2%
7zb1s7w1The ecology of team science656599.2%
20c5s18gSocial Media Use and Depressive Symptoms Among United States Adolescents61392263.9%
8pc2k8gxDesigning Flexible Longitudinal Regimens: Supporting Clinician Planning for Discontinuation of Psychiatric Drugs612593.3%
2jc9h0g1Enhancing the Resilience of Human–Environment Systems: a Social Ecological Perspective 6052886.7%
5jk9m46gQualities of Work Environments That Promote Perceived Support for Creativity60402066.7%
4b14h6j4The Pathway to Academic Success: Scaling Up a Text-Based Analytical Writing Intervention for Latinos and English Learners in Secondary School59481181.4%
74m5j4z4Tablet-Based eBooks for Young Children590590.0%
17t8n0grThe carbon emissions of writing and illustrating are lower for AI than for humans.55104518.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.