ICS Technical Reports

Parent: Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
5dr206s3An investigation of the Therac-25 accidents653189154192118
43238366BDEF : the behavioral design data exchange format28073816165
9ws8n556Evolution and organizational information systems : an assessment of the Nolan stage model22356833747
3274q6s1Learning from AI : new trends in database technology15728484140
30n0q0zmSoftware requirements analysis for real-time process-control systems12835382530
51x8c453Extensibility in programming language design11121242541
3t59q0ppPattern matching : a sheaf-theoretic approach10013332628
56h8893bThe organizational context of user-centered software designs873226722
1pm8266fA general theory of discrimination learning8519291522
5r51t42nModels of incremental concept formation791410946
1s31f7wfToward a theory of cultural transparency : elements of a social discourse of the visible and the invisible7219171125
3w03451fFinding the k shortest paths691412835
68f860zbInstance-based prediction of real-valued attributes6811161625
24h2g848Overview of quadtree-based terrain triangulation and visualization6613161126
46b0f4z3Algebraic specification : syntax, semantics, structure657181327
54x8v354A computational model of scientific insight6515131621
3sf533d6Centralized vs. decentralized computing : organizational considerations and management options6312131820
6pb526mrBehind the terminal : the critical role of computing infrastructure in effective information systems development and use621119626
1kg8b61bA performance comparison of several superscalar processsor [sic] models with a VLIW processor602215221
2789d0cdA classification and comparison framework for software architecture description languages581114825
4ft9023fDynamic linking of software components58715531
3b6710dcThe least weight subsequence problem5610131023
3pw2p1wqThe programming language Lagoona : a fresh look at object-orientation5668537
3mg729hhTestTalk, a test description language : write once, test by anyone, anytime, anywhere, with anything551220815
8dg859nsRequirements specification for process-control systems54816723
3vk4d9g0Language acquisition and machine learning5389432
5687j6g6Software construction using components535161022
87g7m6cbThe time complexity of decision tree induction527131022
48r6d4z0Concept acquisition through representational adjustment51128427
9k55v622On the link between error correlation and error reduction in decision tree ensembles519101121
8zb209n6Episodic learning501312223
0177r7htDepth-mesh objects : fast depth-image meshing and warping483161514
6j46j8ncOffline algorithms for dynamic minimum spanning tree problems48716718
6qj664cdUCI LISP Manual47117227
2tc0h2w1Architectural design and analysis of a VLIW processor4667330
875299m3Computerization and social transformations46913915
98n3s5r5Interpreting programs in Static Single Assignment Form461110619
0k76c6ttA Parallel Mechanism for Detecting Curves in Pictures4587624
1qc66618On a Distance Function for Ordered Lists44612224
2h12m682Domain engineering for software reuse431111516
58h312nkTowards a theory of the cognitive processes in computer programming4374527
5311p0gfWorking notes of the 1991 spring symposium on constraint-based reasoning42137616
2gp3v5xwVLSI design of the tiny RISC microprocessor39614127
3c90p27nFaster maximum and minimum mean cycle algorithms for system performance analysis3967620
9515j5k4Data-driven approaches to empirical discovery395133
9sp972wmSupporting software composition at the programming-language level395628
1p80c4fgA Study of the Recoverability of Computing Systems3856522
566221jdModel selection for probabilistic clustering using cross-validated likelihood3837127
2g44x9hzSoftware safety : why, what and how37210124
9kh416vpTranslating BIF into VHDL : algorithms and examples3716165

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.