Other Recent Work

Parent: Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
3dv6x443Reputation, Trust, & Rebates: How Online Markets Can Improve Their Feedback Mechanisms58272029
5xr0b0vpNumerical Simulations of the Lewis Signaling Game: Learning Strategies, Pooling Equilibria, and the Evolution of Grammar41139613
4719h8d2Cycle Census Statistics for Exponential Random Graph Models*2913925
0tm5193kDynamics of Conformist Bias2736117
08z0g2snPopulation Heterogeneity and Color Stimulus Heterogeneity in Agent-based Color Categorization265966
3xm7f057Increasing Increment Generalizations of Rank-Dependent Theories196328
0td3528nFrom Prediction to Reflexive Control18378
6zz2z7t2Geometry of Chaotic and Stable Discussions171736
1bz9p41cThe Assessment of Knowledge in Theory and in Practice162428
934228dfEmpirical Evaluation of a Model of Global Psychophysical Judgments152310
101189zxNagative Externalities and Sen's Liberalism Theorem142327
26v1r0hsSen's Theorem: Geometric Proof and New Interpretations14257
6pg5w2ctExact Bounds for Degree Centralization14158
7500c66fEvolutionary Dynamics of Lewis Signaling Games: Signaling Systems vs. Partial Pooling141418
99j807p9Modeling lateral geniculate nucleus cell response spectra and Munsell reflectance spectra with cone sensitivity curves141310
2q67t7cdFrom Decision Problems to Dethroned Dictators131318
5021t6h7Emergent Coordination in the World Trade Center Disaster131417
5686z3ksDynamics of Network Formation Processes in the Co-Author Model13238
71z7k5wvMeasurement Analogies: Comparisons of Behavioral and Physical Measures*133217
951535q4Empirical Evaluation of a Model of Global Psychophysical Judgements:131318
9632z8wsPersuasion as a Contest131318
0785237pBuilding Inferentially Tractable Models of Complex Social Systems: Generalized Location Framework12138
2t29n159Additive Utility Representations of Gambles: Old, New, and Needed Results12147
32h8j5z3A Multiple Objective Decision Analysis Involving Health and Safety Risks: Potassium Iodide Distribution in Nuclear Incidents12327
4sd61199Family Policy, Women's Employment, and Below-Replacement Fertility in Developed Countries: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach121218
88t3785nBayesian Analysis of Recognition Memory: The Case of the List-Length Effect121317
96k064dcLatent Algebraic Structure in American Religious Belief, 1988-199812138
0255c7mpComputing Core/Periphery Structures and Permutation Tests for Social Relations Data11236
21w9k0ddExpertise & Complexity in the Soc. & Engr. Sci. : An Extended Sen's Theorem11326
2qb859c4Elevating a Model of Global Psychophysical Judgments: I. Behavioral Properties of Summations and Productions11128
3jw70595Evaluating a Model of Global Psychophysical Judgments: II. Behavioral Properties of Linking Summations and Productions11128
5pg1011rCity-system dynamics in world history studied by change in city-size distributions111128
5z1465z7Utility of Gambling When Events Are Valued: An Application of Inset Entropy111217
6hz7r13jMediatic Graphs11128
8863b2bnRadio Communication Networks in the World Trade Center Disaster11227
25c3r11mA Study of Hearing Aid Gain Functions Based on a Nonlinear Nonlocal Feedforward Cochlea Model10127
3814n84fBipolarity, Choice, and Entropy10127
3c04f6tqTwo Invariance Principles for Scientific Laws10127
47c1h3dqAre Part Wise Comparisons Reliable?10127
4d96h9qgStructural change and homeostasis in organizations: A Decision-Theoretic Approach10127
6n68j95dA New Foundation for Support Theory10136
8kq8m958Predictability of Large-scale Spatially Embedded Networks10154
26z8c3mkThe Profile Structure for Luce's Choice Axiom9126
2mk3g09xBayesian Inference from Continuously Arriving Informant Reports, with Application to Crisis Response927
2pc455xzValuing Sequences of Lives Lost or Saved Over Time: Evidence of Gain/Loss Asymnetry9126
39j9512kOn the Utility of Gambling: Extending the Approach of Meginniss (1976)9117
3pk4f47gEqual Protection Implies Proportional Representation9126
4hb4s53rA Relational Event Model for Social Action, with Application to the World Trade Center Disaster9144
5j5771g3Introductory Chapter, To the 3rd Edition of Algebra of Conscience8125
2866m65hThe Pfofile Structure for Luce's Choice Axiom71213

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.