UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Parent: UCLA International Institute

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4j11p6c1Foreignness and Vengeance: On Rizal's "El Filibusterismo"84221562725.5%
8zt322fwPhilippine Historiography and Colonial Discourse: Eight Selected Essays on Postcolonial Studies in the Philippines (An Introduction to the Japanese Translation) by Yoshiko Nagano (translated into English by Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes)586485388.2%
23b7f9h6Art and Politics in the Balagtasan5405448610.0%
24m1q0f9From Wilderness to Nation: the Evolution of Bayan46624222451.9%
1j2538rwFilipino Intellectuals and Postcolonial Theory: The Case of E. San Juan, Jr.40874011.7%
5t1376v0The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic Politics in the Contemporary Philippines38610128526.2%
1mr8q5p7Boone Schirmer on the Assassination of Aquino and Its Implications for the U.S. and Marcos345183275.2%
3cv6d3dfIslam and Women’s Rights3014225914.0%
34x9h1h7Diaspora as Historical/Political Trope in Philippine Literature2412721411.2%
8zk78303Women in Contemporary Philippine Local Politics1522013213.2%
68t5m5h0Transcultural Battlefield: Recent Japanese Translations of Philippine History113101038.8%
5hv595vqThe Landing at Leyte -- After Fifty Years902882.2%
79z98070The Machinery of Vietnamese Art and Literature in the Post-Renovation, Post-Communist (and Post-Modern) Period604566.7%
8wn0t0g0Areal Typology of Southeast Asian Languages: Evidence from the World Atlas of Language Structures58193932.8%
4g46h2xfPhilippine Bases and U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy51104119.6%
7tc6m1r3U.S. Bases by Another Name: ACSA in the Philippines481472.1%
2mf4v5p5Boone Schirmer and the Early Days of the Philippines Information Bulletin, Friends of the Filipino People, and the Philippines Program at Goddard-Cambridge421412.4%
45g336rsSmart Teaching and Learning Strategies in Pre-writing Activities in Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language)42152735.7%
03w8j7r7Marcos and U.S. Aid4063415.0%
95z8f0v4Standard Questions -- Friends of the Filipino People332316.1%
5rz3p932What is Indonesian Islam?322306.3%
2221q0zwIntervention: U.S. Bases in the Philippines291283.4%
52x26075America's Next Top Model: The Philippines and the U.S. Empire28141450.0%
2gs5c5cvGio Thoi Phuong Nao/From Where the Wind Blows271263.7%
5t19t2q5What Can Happen When the Artist Is Vietnamese2642215.4%
0d19p8dmSelected Abstracts from the Languages of Southeast Asia Conference2432112.5%
3kx5k473Limited Nuclear War and U.S. Bases in the Philippines2051525.0%
5dw2z5tmNew Ambassador to the Philippines?201195.0%
9207n5bfReflections on Processing the Schirmer Papers181175.6%
9f0235qtU.S. Support for Philippine Dictatorship: Threat to Peace and Security in Asia180180.0%
7wt7d023The Global Policeman and Subic Base160160.0%
6bh9g11hThe Philippines - Another Vietnam?150150.0%
085136gfAsians Resist Nuclear Threat130130.0%
2d07j0n5Talk at the Anniversary Celebration of the Defeat of the Bases Treaty120120.0%
1w54h011Peace: The Moral Issue of the Day101910.0%
3jc9q06rSome Reasons for Opposing U.S. Aid to Marcos101910.0%
64v2x47bRemembering Boone100100.0%
2gs0h7ztBombs for Bataan8080.0%
9hf5v5jsSubic and Nuclear War at Sea8080.0%
2h73b48sAt the Crossroads: Notes from a Trip to the Philippines7070.0%
3rr2253gThe Philippines and a War for Oil6060.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.