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Seeded stimulated x-ray emission at 5.9 keV: erratum
- Doyle, Margaret D;
- Halavanau, Aliaksei;
- Zhang, Yu;
- Michine, Yurina;
- Everts, Joshua;
- Fuller, Franklin;
- Alonso-Mori, Roberto;
- Yabashi, Makina;
- Inoue, Ichiro;
- Osaka, Taito;
- Yamada, Jumpei;
- Inubushi, Yuichi;
- Hara, Toru;
- Kern, Jan;
- Yano, Junko;
- Yachandra, Vittal K;
- Rohringer, Nina;
- Yoneda, Hitoki;
- Kroll, Thomas;
- Pellegrini, Claudio;
- Bergmann, Uwe
- et al.
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We recently identified two labeling-related mistakes in Optica 10, 513 (2023)OPTIC82334-253610.1364/OPTICA.485989. The first mistake concerns the labeling of the focus used during one scan. The second mistake concerns the labeling of a filter used in some runs to protect the detector. These mistakes do not affect the overall findings and conclusions in our paper, but some numbers, text, and figures are slightly affected by it. These items have been corrected and are listed below. Finally, a missing DOE award number (DE-SC0023270) has been added below.