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Development of a Longitudinal Elective Focused On Undergraduate Medical Education
Learning Objectives: We aimed to develop a longitudinal undergraduate medical education elective for academic-bound residents based on the responsibilities and expectations of an emergency medicine Clerkship Director.
Introduction: With the growing complexity and nuance of the EM application process, the need for well-trained Clerkship Directors (CDs) and advising faculty is greater than ever. Development of electives exposing residents to the intricacies of advising in the residency application process and of running an EM subinternship can help develop faculty skilled in these areas and prepared to take on the role of CDs in EM.
Educational Objectives: We developed a longitudinal elective introducing residents to undergraduate emergency medical education with objectives derived from the responsibilities and expectations of an EM CD. These objectives included developing skills in giving feedback and advising, reinforcing good practice in teaching and administrative responsibilities, and acquiring skills in summative evaluation.
Curricular Design: We chose to forgo the traditional block elective and instead utilized a longitudinal elective structure coinciding with medical student audition rotations. Residents worked fewer clinical shifts per month during audition rotations, allowing the flexibility to participate in and complete all elective responsibilities. Residents participated in monthly orientation, mid-rotation feedback and advising sessions, and composed Standardized Letters of Evaluation (SLOEs) with graded responsibility. After observing two blocks of each session, residents transitioned to leading these under direct supervision of the CD. Residents then completed summative feedback for use in the program’s SLOEs.
Impact: Utilization of a longitudinal elective allows residents ample time for career exploration and skills development without the constraints of the traditional one-month elective timeline. Residents were able to apply advising strategies learned early on, confidently advising students in residency applications, accurately identifying at-risk students, developing introductory knowledge to complex cases and generating SLOE writing strategies.
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