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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

EEG-Based Assessment of Human Cognitive and Affective States in Real-World Scenarios

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The availability of affordable and portable electroencephalogram (EEG) devices has sparked interest in using passive EEG-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) in real-world applications such as neuroergonomics and neuromarketing. These fields require objective measurement of human cognitive and affective states. Although studies have explored EEG features for different mental states and affective responses in these areas, there is still a gap between laboratory research and real-world implementation.

Two critical questions need to be addressed to bridge the gaps between laboratory research and real-world implementation. Firstly, can the EEG features identified in controlled laboratory conditions be reliably detected in real-world settings? Secondly, how can transfer learning streamline the calibration process for new users or sessions of passive BCI features? Can laboratory-oriented tasks be employed to calibrate the model for real-world applications?

This dissertation aims to address the questions raised earlier by developing EEG signal-processing and feature-extraction methods, and exploring transfer learning techniques for assessing human cognitive and affective states in naturalistic environments. Chapter 2 describes a study demonstrating how EEG can be used in neuroergonomic research to monitor changes in an individual's memory workload during a regular office task. Chapter 3 presents a study on affective states, examining how EEG and eye-tracking can detect human interest levels in images of electronic products. These two chapters prove that robust EEG features found in laboratory settings can also be observed in real-world settings.

Chapter 4 investigates the transferability of EEG features in monitoring human cognitive loads. The study's outcomes can inform the development of transfer learning techniques for more effective BCI applications in real-world settings. Chapter 5 demonstrates the feasibility of cross-task transfer learning for passive BCIs and illustrates how EEG signatures from lab-controlled tasks can be applied to real-world scenarios. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes all the studies.

Overall, this dissertation offers valuable contributions to the EEG-based assessment of human cognitive and affective states in real-world settings and has significant implications for developing more practical and effective passive BCI applications.

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This item is under embargo until April 11, 2025.