Results of CUORE-0 and prospects for the CUORE experiment
- Canonica, L;
- Artusa, DR;
- Avignone, FT;
- Azzolini, O;
- Balata, M;
- Banks, TI;
- Bari, G;
- Beeman, J;
- Bellini, F;
- Bersani, A;
- Biassoni, M;
- Brofferio, C;
- Bucci, C;
- Cai, XZ;
- Camacho, A;
- Caminata, A;
- Cao, XG;
- Capelli, S;
- Cappelli, L;
- Carbone, L;
- Cardani, L;
- Casali, N;
- Cassina, L;
- Chiesa, D;
- Chott, N;
- Clemenza, M;
- Copello, S;
- Cosmelli, C;
- Cremonesi, O;
- Creswick, RJ;
- Cushman, JS;
- Dafinei, I;
- Dally, A;
- Datskov, V;
- Dell'Oro, S;
- Deninno, MM;
- Di Domizio, S;
- Di Vacri, ML;
- Drobizhev, A;
- Ejzak, L;
- Fang, DQ;
- Farach, HA;
- Faverzani, M;
- Fernandes, G;
- Ferri, E;
- Ferroni, F;
- Fiorini, E;
- Franceschi, MA;
- Freedman, SJ;
- Fujikawa, BK;
- Giachero, A;
- Gironi, L;
- Giuliani, A;
- Gorla, P;
- Gotti, C;
- Gutierrez, TD;
- Haller, EE;
- Han, K;
- Hansen, E;
- Heeger, KM;
- Hennings-Yeomans, R;
- Hickerson, KP;
- Huang, HZ;
- Kadel, R;
- Keppel, G;
- Kolomensky, Yu G;
- Li, YL;
- Ligi, C;
- Lim, KE;
- Liu, X;
- Ma, YG;
- Maiano, C;
- Maino, M;
- Martinez, M;
- Maruyama, RH;
- Mei, Y;
- Moggi, N;
- Morganti, S;
- Napolitano, T;
- Nisi, S;
- Nones, C;
- Norman, EB;
- Nucciotti, A;
- O'Donnell, T;
- Orio, F;
- Orlandi, D;
- Ouellet, JL;
- Pagliarone, CE;
- Pallavicini, M;
- Palmieri, V;
- Pattavina, L;
- Pavan, M;
- Pessina, G;
- Pettinacci, V;
- Piperno, G;
- Pira, C;
- Pirro, S;
- Pozzi, S;
- Previtali, E;
- Rosenfeld, C;
- Rusconi, C;
- Sala, E;
- Sangiorgio, S;
- Santone, D;
- Scielzo, ND;
- Sisti, M;
- Smith, AR;
- Taffarello, L;
- Tenconi, M;
- Terranova, F;
- Tian, WD;
- Tomei, C;
- Trentalange, S;
- Ventura, G;
- Vignati, M;
- Wang, BS;
- Wang, HW;
- Wielgus, L;
- Wilson, J;
- Winslow, LA;
- Wise, T;
- Woodcraft, A;
- Zanotti, L;
- Zarra, C;
- Zhang, GQ;
- Zhu, BX;
- Zucchelli, S
Published Web Location
The CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) experiment is an array of 741 kg of TeO2bolometers to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν) of130Te. The detector is being constructed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy) where it will start operation in 2015. To test and demonstrate the possibility of realising such a large scale bolometric detector, a prototype (CUORE-0) has been realised. The CUORE-0 detector is a single tower of 52 CUORE-like bolometers. CUORE-0 data taking started in Spring 2013. The status of CUORE and the first CUORE-0 data are here reported.
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