A Complex Pathway to Simplicity: A Case Study on the Implementation of Guided Pathways at a California Community College
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A Complex Pathway to Simplicity: A Case Study on the Implementation of Guided Pathways at a California Community College

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This dissertation examines the implementation of the Guided Pathways model at a CaliforniaCommunity College as required by top-down policy mandates. The study utilizes May’s Implementation Theory to conduct a qualitative case study of Sunshine College, focusing on agency and dynamic context elements during the Guided Pathways implementation process. The study explores the Guided Pathways Steering Committee and their collaborative efforts in developing a work plan, professional development, and student voice research by analyzing interviews, documents, artifacts, and observation memos. The findings reveal the importance of adapting the model to fit the college's unique culture and needs, highlighting the need for context-sensitive approaches to institutional change. The study also highlights how the institutional agents sought external partners that provided a critical equity lens and expanded institutional capacities. The study critiques assumptions underlying the Guided Pathways model, offering insights into students’ decision-making and underscoring the psychological, compliance, and learning costs they encounter. Implications for policy and practice emphasize the necessity of flexible approaches to support the efforts of the individuals taking up stated-sanctioned initiatives, urging a reevaluation of top-down mandates to enhance the effectiveness of community college education in California.

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This item is under embargo until December 15, 2024.