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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Noisy Holographic Quantum Error Correcting Codes

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We propose a novel approach to holographic quantum error-correcting codes by replacing perfect tensors with alternative tensors at each node with a small probability. Specifically, we employ repetition tensors as alternatives. The boundary states of our models capture key features of conformal field theory states, particularly the power law of the two-point function and logarithmic entanglement, which are precisely obeyed in many cases. The noisy holographic quantum error-correcting codes on trees and tilings of two-dimensional hyperbolic space preserve the bulk/boundary duality in AdS/CFT, and their boundary states exhibit the features of conformal field theory accordingly.

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This item is under embargo until July 15, 2025.