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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Combinatorial Theory

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Counting lattice paths by crossings and major index I: the corner-flipping bijections

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

We solve two problems regarding the enumeration of lattice paths in Z2 with steps (1,1) and (1,1) with respect to the major index, defined as the sum of the positions of the valleys, and to the number of certain crossings. The first problem considers crossings of a single path with a fixed horizontal line. The second one counts pairs of paths with respect to the number of times they cross each other. Our proofs introduce lattice path bijections with convenient visual descriptions, and the answers are given by remarkably simple formulas involving q-binomial coefficients.

Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A19, 05A15, 05A30

Keywords: Lattice path, major index, crossing, valley, bijection

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