Jigsaw Percolation on Erdos-Renyi Random Graphs
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Department of Mathematics

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Jigsaw Percolation on Erdos-Renyi Random Graphs

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We extend the jigsaw percolation model to analyze graphs where both underlying people and puzzle graphs are Erd\H{o}s-R enyi random graphs. Let $p_{\text{ppl}}$ and $p_{\text{puz}}$ denote the probability that an edge exists in the respective people and puzzle graphs and define $p_{\text{eff}}= p_{\text{ppl}}p_{\text{puz}}$, the effective probability. We show for constants $c_1>1$ and $c_2> \pi^2/6$ and $c_3 c_1 \log n /n$ the critical effective probability $p^c_{\text{eff}}$, satisfies $c_3 < p^c_{\text{eff}}n\log n < c_2.$

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