Other Recent Work

Parent: Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4t76186kA Report on the Future of Electric Aviation1352610919.3%
71q5d7x3Reducing Emissions through Monitoring and Predictive Modeling of Gate Operations of Idle Aircraft: A Case Study on San Francisco International Airport113575650.4%
96g9c9ndMicromobility evolution and expansion: Understanding how docked and dockless bikesharing models complement and compete – A case study of San Francisco73413256.2%
0v1906tsAdvancing the Science of Travel Demand Forecasting70195127.1%
67447864Where the Crosswalk Ends: Mapping Crosswalk Coverage via Satellite Imagery in San Francisco694655.8%
3gj1t495Are shelters in place? Mapping the distribution of transit amenities via a bus-stop census of San Francisco65174826.2%
2k12q9phA Revealed Preference Methodology to Evaluate Regret Minimization with Challenging Choice Sets: A Wildfire Evacuation Case Study52163630.8%
05s6857sNew Metrics for Measuring Academic Research Outside the Ivory Tower4573815.6%
15d2t2gfCalculating and Forecasting Induced Vehicle-Miles of Travel Resulting from Highway Projects: Findings and Recommendations from an Expert Panel40122830.0%
14z1383wTrust and Compassion in Willingness to Share Mobility and Sheltering Resources in Evacuations: A case Study of the 2017 and 2018 California Wildfires3782921.6%
2bs4j1gsRenaming and Removal of Harmful Names and Monuments on State Transportation Right of Way3142712.9%
28q732xzSmall and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SB/DBE) Issues in Caltrans Contract and Bid Process3052516.7%
2f7608c2Authorized Vehicles Only: Police, parking, and pedestrian access in New York City2341917.4%
6fh5p5ttWomen and Cycling: A Case Study of the Use of San Francisco Bike Lanes211204.8%
85g9p36hCity-wide traffic control: modeling impacts of cordon queues2011955.0%
8h554837Automated Vehicles Industry Survey of Transportation Infrastructure Needs1871138.9%
7mq674vrAn improvement on the end-of-life of High-speed rail rolling stocks considering CFRP composite material replacement135838.5%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.