IURD Monograph Series

Parent: Institute of Urban and Regional Development

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6mx0n01xSustainable Urban Development: A Literature Review and Analysis78713665117.3%
7zz6s7bmThe Future of Shrinking Cities: Problems, Patterns and Strategies of Urban Transformation in a Global Context57015042026.3%
4hh7f652Rail Transit Investments, Real Estate Values, and Land Use Change: A Comparative Analysis of Five California Rail Transit Systems2085015824.0%
937953v1Sun, Wind, and Comfort A Study of Open Spaces and Sidewalks in Four Downtown Areas1772615114.7%
7pd9k5g0The BART Experience—What Have We Learned?1573811924.2%
1fh7t14fEconomic Development and Housing Policy In the Asian Pacific Rim: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Singapore, And Shenzhen Special Economic Zone61204132.8%
3kv551hdRedundancy in Public Transit - Vol III. The Political Economy of Transit in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945-63574537.0%
3pq850xpBART@20: Land Use and Development Impacts4554011.1%
10s0c7s0Adaptive Transit: Enhancing Suburban Transit Services4183319.5%
74t314c6Entropy Considerations in Environmental Planning401392.5%
07t5930gTransit Joint Development in the United States3782921.6%
2cn4w34rAesthetic Control: A Report on Methods Used in the USA to Control the Design of Buildings372355.4%
9zd4060gUrban Development and Land and Housing Market Dynamics in Bogotá, Colombia3663016.7%
3hx4c6r4Transit-Supportive Development in the United States: Experiences and Prospects29101934.5%
55n3n86zEnvironmental Quality of Multiple Roadway Boulevards2742314.8%
5713p6g6Development and Pilot Application of the California Urban and Biodiversity Analysis (CURBA) Model2732411.1%
0m92j0krRail Access Modes and Catchment Areas for the BART System2332013.0%
14660845Generations of Poverty: America's Underclass as an Economic and Political Dilemma2351821.7%
0498v959Promising Futures: Workforce Development and Upward Mobility in Information Technology220220.0%
2gr5k7xkThe Full Costs of Urban Tranport Part III: Automobile Costs and Final Intermodal Cost Comparisons2231913.6%
0hg9z2qnRedundancy in Public Transit Vol. I: On the Idea of an Integrated Transit System2171433.3%
72r9s7dxMetropolitan Strategy in Sydney: Employment Distribution and Policy Issues2131814.3%
8km1q4h2The Full Costs of Urban Transport. Part I: Economic Efficiency in Bus Operations; Preliminary Intermodal Cost Comparison and Policy Implications211204.8%
3ww2w1bnA Methodology for Selecting Urban Transportation Projects2021810.0%
5mt8q2rhDevelopment Impact Fees and Other Devices2041620.0%
64w1490bRedundancy in Public Transit - Vol. IV: Structure, Competition, and Reliability in Planning and Operations2021810.0%
9kd3g0zfNew Cities of the Pacific Rim200200.0%
7258f369Traditional Neighborhood Shopping Districts: Patterns of Use and Modes of Access1941521.1%
7zp4f4xsSun and Light for Downtown San Francisco1731417.6%
1c10s9hzNational Interregional Demographic Accounts: A Prototype1431121.4%
6nw651fgThe Future of Open Spaces on the Upper West Side1421214.3%
10j9z500An Evaluation of the Market Potential for Transit-Oriented Development Using Visual Simulation Techniques131127.7%
1rj9g2hcThe City is Dead -- Long Live the City124833.3%
62b709zdThe City is Dead-- Long Live the City121118.3%
1ks4p362Ridership Impacts of Transit-Focused Development in California113827.3%
22b0m62dTechnology and the Competitive Advantage of Regions: A Study of the Biotechnology Industry in the New York State104640.0%
3sv458cgA Transport Strategy for California's Development100100.0%
9gf1v6s9Power and Participation in the San Francisco Community Action Program, 1964-19679090.0%
12n5f5zvMethodological Notes on Complex Survey Research Involving Life History Data82625.0%
9x0276v5Health Planning: Science, Power and Politics82625.0%
0qk1r0w6Redundancy in Public Transit Vol. II: The Profits of Competition in Public Transit71614.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.